Friday, February 3, 2017

Post 5: Sexuality & Romance - The Wife of Bath's Tale

 In The Wife of Bath's Tale, Alisoun remarries multiple times in the story. To be exact, she has five different husbands. Nowadays divorce and separation rates happen much more often and even seem to be a common occurrence. In the story, Alisoun uses scripture to justify her sexual behavior and actions. I've heard people say things along the lines of, "God wouldn't have given us something so pleasurable (sex) if he didn't want us to do it." I feel a lot of people take sex much more lightly then they did back in time. Alisoun never truly marries for real love though, at least not until her very last marriage. This is not so much the case these days. Why marry someone you aren't in love with? That's the first thought that pops up in my head. Alisoun's last marriage was the only one that wasn't revolved around money or wealth. She married because she truly loved him, regardless of his income. Throughout the medieval era, love seems to be bought. Woman are much more independent now. Most have careers and make just as much, if not more, then men. Most couples try to split things equally and I believe that's how it should be. Something else I noticed in The Wife of Bath's is the fact that Alisoun remarries after her fourth husband's death, which is not shamed upon today. Who are we to judge?

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