Saturday, January 28, 2017

Post 4: Metamorphoses

 While reading, Metamorphoses,I noticed several different key archetypes that were included throughout the story. It starts out by putting a lot of emphasis on the role of nature throughout the beginning of creation. The archetypes in this story seem to focus much more on archetypes relating to the mind. Ovid makes an example stating"When whichever god it was had ordered and divided the mass, and collected it into separate parts, he first gathered the earth into a great ball so it was uniform on both sides. Then he ordered the seas to spread and rise in waves in the flowing winds and pour around the costs of the encircled land (p.728)." 

 I noticed that this particular story seemed to be much more chaotic, and seemed to have destruction taking place before humankind is even made. I know this definitely differs from my beliefs on creation. I've always viewed the creation of the earth and mankind as a delicate and peaceful event. I have quite a bit of friends and peers who seem to have that same belief as well. Jupiter invoking the floodwaters reminded me of the flood in Genesis. "In answer the king of the gods calmed their anxiety, the rest would be his concern, and the promised them a people different from the first, of a marvelous creation." This specific quote reminded me of when God makes the promise to Noah for his work on the arc. The mind is a major archetype in our everyday lives and it seems to have walkways been that way, especially for the gods.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Post 3: Archetypes In My Life

 One of the most important archetypes in my life is the Celtic knot. I say this because it represents so much in such little space. Mostly, it has such great meaning to me because my best friend of thirteen years passed away in September of 2016. Her family is from Ireland and my Mother's family is Irish. The Celtic knot represents the unending cycle of life. I believe her spirit lives on and I carry that with my daily. I was with her when she got her first tattoo, which was a Celtic knot on her foot. We talked a lot about the different meanings behind it.

 I believe it represents the connection of the mind, body, and spirit, all of which is in our lives on a daily basis. The interweaving knots points to the connections of our physical and spiritual aspects of our being. I'm still in shock that she has left this Earth, but everyday I remember she is here in spirit. Her memory lives on and is part of what keeps me going. I believe our mind, body and spirit is one. We cannot have one without the other. This continues to help me grow as a person, mostly spiritually.

Maeve's Tattoo
Celtic Trinity Knot

Monday, January 23, 2017

Post 2: Creation Stories and The World Around Us

When I think of creation stories I imagine how humans came to this Earth and how we got here. I thought it was quite interesting to read all of the creation stories Professor Hamon posted for us. It was unique to see the differences and similarities in each story. A lot of the stories contained similar themes, such as good vs. evil, discrimination, condemnation against women, and light versus darkness. As a child, I was only aware of Genesis and the creation story that the Bible told us, so that's all I could ever imagine. But, as I've gotten older I realize that many different cultures have their own version of how Man came to Earth. In the Four Creations Story, "Spider Woman made all the plants, the flowers, the bushes, and the trees. Likewise she made the birds and animals, again using earth and singing the Creation Song." Obviously, this is from a much different perspective then my own. But, it did make me stop and think about how creation stories can give us all a sense of cause and meaning. It helps us shape how the world came into place. The creation stories made me stop and think about how not everyone views the world as I do. "Eventually, however, they began to divide, both the people from the animals and the people from each other, as they focused on their differences rather than their similarities (Four Creation Stories)." This example brings me back to my original view of creation because when it shows how humans were separated from animals and such. But, then I always ponder back to the thought of how God himself came to be and how he got here himself. I am twenty two years old and still have so much more to learn about this life we are living.

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  (Genesis 1:1)
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Post 1: Callie's View On Creation

 My Father is a Catholic and my Mother is Baptist. I was raised as a Catholic though and still consider myself a devoted Catholic to this day. As I've gotten older, I've started to understand other's views of the world and different views of a higher power. Initially, when I think about how the world was created, I imagine the story of Genesis. I believe God created the world in seven days with his hands, sculpting and shaping the Universe to his perfection. On the seventh day, he saw his work and thought, "it was good and he used that day to rest".

 I have questioned my beliefs at times though. Especially with the more knowledge I gain and the more Science classes I take. For instance, I'm taking Biology right now and we are focusing on evolution, which is a very controversial topic. It does make sense that we have changed over time from one being to another. Overall, I still consider myself a faithful person and believe God created Man just as he wanted us to be.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Intro Post

This is the introduction post for my world literature blog. I'm excited to see what the semester has in store for us!