Sunday, April 30, 2017

Post 27

 The Wife of Bath's Tale was a very unique and entertaining story that we read this semester. I particularly liked this story because of its emphasis on the role of women back in Late Middle Ages. It also was different from other works of this time period. The main character, Alyson, is aware that her lifestyle is different from the usual norm, but doesn't let that stop her from marrying and eventually finding love.  

 "Men may divide and interpret up and down, But, well I know, surely, God expressly instructed us to increase and multiply (p. 28)". I would enjoy reading The Wife of Bath's Tale again so I could get a better understanding and meaning out of it the second time around. Another theme I felt quite drawn to in this story was female dominance, and the women having more say so over the end results. This tale also looks at marriage in a different kind of light and tries to not only be one sided.
 "I would pray for you, if it were your pleasure, tell your tale as you began, hold back for no man, and teach us young men from your experience (p. 30)".

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Alyson is one of my favorite characters, and I think she sets the standard for all the dominant women to follow her in literature. Thanks for being in my class. You made the conversation better.
